Building the models

With protopipe it is possible to build estimation models for both particle energy and gamma/hadron classification. The base classes are defined in the protopipe.mva module (see mva).

For both cases, building a regressor or a classifier, the script is used.

The following is a summary of ist usage required arguments and options.

>$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] --config_file CONFIG_FILE [--max_events MAX_EVENTS]
                  [--wave | --tail]

Build model for regression/classification

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config_file         CONFIG_FILE
  --max_events          maximum number of events for training
  --wave                if set, use wavelet cleaning
  --tail                if set, use tail cleaning, otherwise wavelets

The last two options can be ignored.

The script takes along its arguments a configuration file which depends on what type of estimator needs to be trained:

  • regressor.yaml is used to train an energy regressor,

  • classifier.yaml is used to train a gamma/hadron classifier.

Energy regressor

To build this you need a table with at least the MC energy (the target) and some event characteristics (the features) to reconstruct the energy. This table is created in the Data training step.

The following is a commented example of the required configuration file regressor.yaml:

 model_type: 'regressor'
 # [...] = your analysis local full path OUTSIDE the Vagrant box
 data_dir: '[...]/shared_folder/analyses/v0.4.0_dev1/data/TRAINING/for_energy_estimation'
 data_file: 'TRAINING_energy_tail_gamma_merged.h5'
 outdir: '[...]/shared_folder/analyses/v0.4.0_dev1/estimators/energy_regressor'
 cam_id_list: ['LSTCam', 'NectarCam']
 table_name_template: '' # leave empty (TO BE REMOVED)

 train_fraction: 0.8

 name: 'AdaBoostRegressor'
 target_name: 'true_energy'
  learning_rate: [0.3]
  n_estimators: [100]
  base_estimator__max_depth: [null]  # null is equivalent to None
  base_estimator__min_samples_split: [2]
  base_estimator__min_samples_leaf: [10]
 scoring: 'explained_variance'
 cv: 2

 - 'log10_hillas_intensity'
 - 'log10_impact_dist'
 - 'hillas_width_reco'
 - 'hillas_length_reco'
 - 'h_max'

 - 'good_image == 1'
 - 'is_valid == True'

 # Energy binning (used for reco and true energy)
  nbins: 15
  min: 0.0125
  max: 125

To estimate the energy of a gamma-ray, one wants to use the relation between the charge measured in one camera and the impact distance of the event measured from the telescope (distance from the shower axis to the telescope).

Up to now, simple features have been used to feed regressors to estimate the energy, e.g.,

  • the charge,

  • the width and the length of the images,

  • the impact parameter,

  • the height of the shower maximum.

The algorithm used to reconstruct the energy is a Boosted Decision Tree (BDT). The tuning of the Random Forest (RF) algorithm was found to be a bit problematic (20 % energy resolution at all energies). The important thing to get a good energy estimator is to build trees with high depth. The minimal number of events to form an external node was fixed to 10 in order to obtain a model with a reasonable size (~50MB for for 200000 evts). Indeed, allowing the trees to develop deeper would result in massive files (~500MB for 200000 evts).

g/h classifier

To build a gamma/hadron classifier you need gamma-ray and proton tables with some features used to discriminate between gamma and hadrons (electrons are handled later as a contamination).


An alternative approach - yet to study - could be to train a classifier with gamma against a background sample composed of weighted hadrons and weighted electrons.

 model_type: 'classifier'
 # [...] = your analysis local full path OUTSIDE the Vagrant box
 data_dir: '[...]/shared_folder/analyses/v0.4.0_dev1/data/TRAINING/for_particle_classification/'
 data_sig_file: 'TRAINING_classification_tail_gamma_merged.h5'
 data_bkg_file: 'TRAINING_classification_tail_proton_merged.h5'
 cam_id_list: ['LSTCam', 'NectarCam']
 table_name_template: '' # leave empty (TO BE REMOVED)
 outdir: '[...]/shared_folder/analyses/v0.4.0_dev1/estimators/gamma_hadron_classifier'

 train_fraction: 0.8
 use_same_number_of_sig_and_bkg_for_training: False  # Lowest statistics will drive the split

 name: 'RandomForestClassifier'  # AdaBoostClassifier or RandomForestClassifier
 target_name: 'label'
 tuned_parameters: # these are lists of values used by the GridSearchCV algorithm
  n_estimators: [200]
  max_depth: [10]  # null for None
  max_features: [3] # possible choices are “auto”, “sqrt”, “log2”, int or float
  min_samples_split: [10]
  min_samples_leaf: [10]
 scoring: 'roc_auc' # possible choices are 'roc_auc', 'explained_variance'
 cv: 2
 use_proba: True  # If not output is score
 calibrate_output: False  # If true calibrate probability

 - 'log10_reco_energy'
 - 'log10_reco_energy_tel'
 - 'log10_hillas_intensity'
 - 'hillas_width'
 - 'hillas_length'
 - 'h_max'
 - 'impact_dist'

 - 'good_image == 1'
 - 'is_valid == True'

 - 'good_image == 1'
 - 'is_valid == True'

 # Energy binning (used for reco and true energy)
  nbins: 4
  min: 0.02
  max: 200

We want to exploit parameters showing statistical differences in the shower developments between gamma-ray induced showers and hadron induced shower. Up to now, we used the second moments of the images (width and length) as well as the higher orders of the images (skewness and kurtosis which do not show a very high separation power). We also use stereoscopic parameters such as the heigh of the shower maximum and the reconstructed energy. The energy is important since the distribution of the discriminant parameters vary a lot with the energy of the particles.

Since in the end we want to average the score of the particles between different cameras, we need the classifier to have an output normalised between 0 and 1. Ideally, we would like also to get a probabilistic classifier (e.g. score of 0.8 gives a chance probability of 80 % that we are dealing with a signal event). in order to average one pear with one pear (not an apple), but it’s not so easy since a lot a of cuts are done afterwards (angular cut, energy cut) which then make the calibration caduc.

Anyway, we gave up on the BDT method since the output is not easy to normalise between 0 and 1 (there are also fluctuations on the score distribution that can totally crash the normalisation) and we trained a Random Forest (RF) as people do the MARS analysis in CTA (not the same way as in MAGIC, e.g. information of tel #1 and #2 in the same RF, here one model per type of telescope then gammaness averaging).

Once again, the main important hyper-parameters to get a robust classifier is the maximal depth of the trees and the minimal number of events to get an external node (min_samples_leaf). Please be aware that if you specify a min_samples_leaf close to one you’ll be in a high regime of overtraining that can be seen with an area under the ROC (auc) of 1 for the training sample and a mismatch between the gammaness distribution of the training and the test samples. In order to get an agreement (by eye, could do a KS/chi2 test) between the training and test distributions I chose to grow a forest of 200 trees with a max_depth of 10. I use a maximal number of 200000 images for each sample for the training/test phase.

Note that the previous setup differ from what Abelardo is doing. Abelardo has no max_depth, he grows 100 tress, and uses a min_samples_leaf close to 1 (TBC). He is in an overtraining regime (auc ROC close to 1) and the agreement of the distributions between the training and the test samples is bad. This is not good since one might want to control the cut efficiencies of the models and in real conditions to see that everything is correct.


The default settings used are not yet optimised for every case.

They have been tuned to get reasonable performance and a good agreeement between the training/test samples.

A first optimisation will follow from the comparison against CTA-MARS, even though the parameters used and settings are already the same.